Privacy and cookie policy pursuant to former art 13 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR)


Irinox S.p.A. with registered office in Via Madonna di Loreto, 6/B in Corbanese di Tarzo (TV), as the controller (hereinafter the "Controller"), issues this privacy policy to the data subject in compliance with European and Italian regulations on the protection of personal data.
The Controller has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO), who can be contacted by writing to the following address
This privacy policy supplements the browsing policy of the website, in order to describe to the User how the Controller will specifically process the data entered in this contact form: we therefore invite the User to read our privacy policy

Purpose and legal basis of processing
The Controller processes personal data in order to allow the User to register in the reserved area and to access the technical assistance service, as well as to carry out all administrative, accounting and tax activities related to the service provided and to fulfil, more generally, all obligations under the law it must comply with : the legal basis of the processing is the need to pursue the above-mentioned purposes.

Period of data retention
The Controller intends to process the data for 24 months from the last access to the reserved area, without prejudice to further storage for the time necessary for the settlement (however reached) of any disputes that may arise.

Nature of data provision and consequences in case of refusal
The provision of data is required and therefore any refusal to communicate them in whole or in part may prevent the Controller to pursue the above purposes.

Categories of recipients
The Controller will not disseminate the data, but intends to communicate them to internal persons authorised to process them on the basis of their respective duties, as well as to Group companies, commercial information companies, factoring companies, consultants, business associations and/or organisations, professionals or service companies, as well as public and private bodies, also following inspections and audits.
These recipients, should they process data on behalf of the Controller, will be appointed as data processors with a specific contract or other instrument under the law.

Transfer of data to a third country and/or international organisation
Personal data will not be transferred either to non-European third countries or to international organisations.

Rights of the data subjects
The data subject has the right to ask the Controller to access his/her personal data and to rectify them if inaccurate, to delete them or limit their processing if the conditions are met, to object to their processing for legitimate interests pursued by the Controller, as well as to obtain the portability of the data personally provided only if they are subject to automated processing based on consent or contract. The data subject also has the right to withdraw the consent given for the processing purposes that require it, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing carried out until the time of withdrawal.
To exercise his/her rights, the data subject may use the form available here and forward it to the Data Controller at the following address The data subject also has the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority, the Italian Data Protection Authority (


What cookies are
A cookie is a simple text file that is stored on the user's computer or mobile device by the server of a website and that can be read or recovered from the server itself. It contains some information and allows the website to remember, for example, the user's preferences or the products. The Directive on Electronic Communications and the Decision of the Italian Data Protection Authority of 8 May 2014, n. 229, regarding "Identification of the simplified procedures for the disclosure and acquisition of consent for the use of cookies", provide that the use of cookies can be allowed only with the consent of the user.

Why we use cookies
The company may use cookies for various reasons. We are always looking for ways to improve our website and to make it easier for you to get to know our products. To do this, it is important for us to understand how our site is used.

Types of cookies used
We have classified the cookies we use based on their use in:


Session cookies
They are used for the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, and are strictly necessary to allow specific functions required to ensure normal navigation and use of the website (allowing, for example, to authenticate to access restricted areas). These cookies can then be distinguished due to their persistence on the user's terminal: those that are automatically deleted at the end of each navigation, are called "session cookies". If on the other hand they have a longer life, we speak of permanent cookies.

The user's prior consent is not required for the installation of these cookies.

Here is a list of these cookies:

Cookie name






Technical Cookies

Session cookie

End of session


Technical Cookies

Session cookie

End of session


"Third party" cookies are linked to services provided by third parties: they are used for various purposes such as analysis of the performance of marketing campaigns and/or to deliver customized advertising on our and on partner websites. This activity is called retargeting and is based on browsing activities, such as the destination you are looking for, the structures displayed and more. The third party provides these services in exchange for information about the user's visit to our website. This also requires third-party cookie providers to comply with the relevant legislation. For this reason, please refer to the link of the web pages of the third party sites, where you can find the forms for the collection of consent to cookies and their relative information.

Here is a list of the these cookies:

Cookie name







Tracking of pseudonyms

End of session



Tracking of pseudonyms

End of session

Section of cookie settings
Through this page you can choose whether or not to accept cookies that are set by our site and our suppliers. In case you choose to disable technical cookies, there is the possibility of failing to provide some functionality of the website.

Browser settings: how do I control cookies
The "Help" section of your browser should be able to help manage your cookie settings. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you can change your browser settings so that you are informed when they are sent. You can also delete cookies that have already been stored at any time, via your browser settings.

Internet Explorer:

Google Chrome:

Mozilla Firefox:

Apple Safari:

Where you can find more information about cookies: